INTROIT is a very popular branch today. What makes it so popular? Last 20 years can be called a period of significant integration of software into our lives. Devices that we use have become smaller and more powerful, we use different types of applications every day – every single icon on our screen was created by software engineers. Becoming a software developer is an opportunity to find a well paid job that will also provide an opportunity to improve skills, have challenging tasks and be flexible with your hours, tasks, and locations. IT industry is very promising in the nearest future that is why it attracts more and more hight quality specialists from various industries.
WHO IS A SOFTWARE DEVELOPER?First of all a software developer is an engineer. Software developer is responsible for building and maintaining various types of software applications. In order to be a good specialist one needs to have the required technical skills and be able to think as a tech guy. Here are critical things for a good developer in our opinion:
practical, logical and predictive way of thinking (software or application is a mechanism that consists of multiple bricks that should operate as one unit, be user-friendly, etc., and it is the task of an engineer to think how it can be achieved);
strong technical skills (coding is a complicated task but the very basis of it is programming language syntax, in simple words a developer should know the language to express his ideas and solve tasks, it cannot be reached without trainings and education);
accuracy and responsibility (application building is a challenging task, it requires a lot of time, efforts and patience, it is important to realize that sometimes different people might work on an application future and a good engineer knows how important to make comments, and fill in documentation);
constant education (IT is probably one of the most dynamic industries as we have already agreed, in order to stay a qualified specialist any developer should have advanced skills for working with information, foreign languages are also a big plus if one wants to be the first to follow updates and innovations);
creative mind (the creative approach is necessary for a good software developer, the market is full of various solutions and sometimes developers need to find new and creative ways of using them);
stress resistance (a development process is closely connected to business, software is used as a business tool and it should operate properly if you do not want to have any losses);
good communication skills (developers can work without a team in very rare cases, so it is very important for them to be able to cooperate with their customers and colleagues).
WHAT DOES A SOFTWARE DEVELOPER DO?We have already talked about various aspects of skills, knowledge, and personal characteristics that a good developer should have so it is high time to mention what exactly he does. A software developer is responsible for
- designing algorithms and flowcharts;
- producing clean code based on demands;
- making integrations with other software products;
- verifying and deploying systems and programs;
- debugging and updating existing software;
- creating technical documentation, etc.
THE MOST POPULAR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES IN 2024We will not go deep into the details, advantages and disadvantages of each programming language. Just several words will be enough here, businesses choose a programming language for their
projects depending on its complexity, availability of specialists on the market, and issues that they can solve. The most popular programming languages in 2024 are considered to be
I) Python,
II) JavaScript,
III) Java,
IV) C#,
V) Swift,
VI) Kotlin,
VII) Ruby
TOP 10 TIPS FOR GETTING INTO SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTIf you are just at the beginning of your way, and you are still deciding to become a developer or not you might use the following tips.
1. Learn more about responsibilities and routine tasks of a software developer.
2. Analyze your personality in order to find out whether you have treats that will help you to cope with this job.
3. Check on different programming languages and decide and choose one that you would like to dive deep in.
4. Be ready for constant self-education.
5. Follow trends and news of the industry.
6. Choose an educational establishment for getting the required knowledge.
7. Take as many chances to practice as possible, start with small task, and try to find an experienced team to work with.
8. Be positive, creative, and patient.
9. Get ready to be in a constant search of new solutions.
10. Become a team player and a reliable business partner.