We often here phrases “web application”, “website”, “build web application”, etc., but sometimes the difference between all of them is not obvious and you as a business owner needs to understand what type of software is required for your business. In this article we will try to explain these concepts and specifies their differences.

A web application is a software which is running on the web, it is created to interact with the user and solve some tasks. A web application is running through a client (a web browser) – server (application hosting) architecture, they work together for data exchange and function performing.

A website is a less complicated and less interactive in comparison to a web application. Its main function is to store and display information with the possibility of communication (forms or online chats).
It is very important to understand the difference between functions a web application – interaction, a website – information storage and distribution.

Web applications have complex structure that consist of several layers – presentation layer (user interface), application layer (business logic and workflows), data layer (data storage and management). All these layers should be interconnected to enable system operating.

A web application can be divided into a client side and a server side. Front end and back end are terms that are used more often. Front-end is a part through which a client interacts with an application and sets requests. It runs on any device in a browser. Back-end includes business logic, web service and database. A server side can be also integrated with 3d party services.

In the simplified scenario web application works in the following way. A client sets a request from any type of the device where a browser is available, later this request is processed through business logics and is connected to the database. If everything works correctly the response is returned to a client on the web.

Web applications can be more or can be less complex depending on the tasks that they are supposed to solve. The following types of the web apps are usually pointed out static web applications, dynamic web applications, e-commerce web applications, content management systems, single page web applications, multiple pages web applications, portal web applications, animated web applications, progressive web applications. You will find short description of each type with the examples that might help you to understand what application you need for your business.
Web applications play a very important role for modern businesses. The can solve for marketing purposes, provide opportunity to describe goods, sell them, process information or communicate. If you plan to build an application for your business you need to e aware of its parts and types.
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